Baby Blue X-1

Design by Jack Pignolo

A popular building material for low cost radio control models is fanfold foam. This material is used in the construction of buildings and homes and is sold at most home improvement stores. It is relatively low cost and produces models that are durable and easy to repair. Jack Pignolo demonstrated what can be done with a little imagination and a stack of fanfold foam with his Origami E2 model. That model uses a flat plate wing like the paper airplane that inspired the design. Fanfold foam is not limited to flat plate wing models. With the Baby Blue X-1 Jack takes the next step to a full airfoil wing. The resulting model is still quite easy to build, light weight, and durable.

The plan package presented here contains an illustrated assembly guide and part templates that become full size after they are assembled. A model built from this plan package has a wing span of 30.5 inches with an overall length of 20 inches. The total flying surface area is 382 square inches. The total flying weight will depend on the materials used, the selected motor, and battery pack.. The total flying weight should be in the range of 11 ounces.

To make sure the plan package can be printed on all generally available printers it has been set up to print on 8 1/2 by 14 inch sheets of paper (U.S. Legal Size). The plan package includes an illustrated assembly guide, and full size part templates. It is important to note that you should have any print scaling (print to fit printer margins for example) turned off when printing the content of the provided Adobe PDF file. Click here to download (1.81 mb)


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All drawings not identified as coming from another source copyright 2002-2016, All rights reserved

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