The Dreamer
A rubber powered model built to the Embryo Endurance rules
This model was designed to conform to the Embryo Endurance class of rubber powered Free Flight models. This class is flown in both AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) and FAC (Flying Aces Club) competition.
The original plan was drawn to fit on a 11" x 17" sheet of paper as shown above. To be sure the plan can be printed on all printers, it has been broken into three sheets. One sheet is 8.5" x 14" and the others are 8.5" x 11".
The individual plan pages have been saved in a single Adobe Portable Document File (PDF). Be sure to set the software to not scale the drawing to fit the page. This will insure that the individual pages will print at their intended size. If you do not have the Adobe Reader software, it can be obtained at no cost from the Adobe website at .
If you decide to build this model, I sure hope you get a load of fun from flying the Dreamer. Download (91k)
Copyright 1992-2016, Paul Bradley, All rights reserved