Winding Stooge
A winding stooge suitable for the smaller rubber powered models
This winding stooge was designed for the smaller rubber powered Free Flight models. Basically for models that use motors up to six strands of 3/16" rubber. It is adjustable in length, width, and position of the forward fuselage support.
The plan package fits on 8.5" x 11" paper and is presented in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If you do not have the Adobe PDF Reader software, it can be obtained at no cost from the Adobe website at .
The stooge is mounted on a 3/4" diameter aluminum pole that is 36" long. A steel ground penetrator is driven into the ground and the aluminum pole fits on the ground penetrator. The pole is restrained by two dog leashes that are anchored to the ground with tent stakes. It is easy to set up and take down and provides a nice waist high platform for winding models.
The plan and assembly drawings are available here Download (432k)
All drawings not identified as coming from another source copyright 2002-2016, Paul Bradley, All rights reserved