A Sheet Foam Based Radio Control Model Based On A Paper Glider Format

Design by Jack Pignolo

Paper gliders are fun, easy to make, fly well, and are low cost. All of these factors are also desirable for Radio Control model airplanes. Especially those flown in smaller spaces. Jack Pignolo who lives in the greater Houston, Texas area and is also a member of the Downeast soaring club in Maine felt the merits of a paper glider could be adapted to the world of small field radio control model airplanes and developed the Origami E2. The plan package presented here is Jack's design for the Origami E2. The general layout of the model is based on a popular paper glider design. The material used to build the model is sheet foam. The prototype used fan fold foam as sold in home improvement stores for insulation. That foam is about 1/4" thick. 6 mm thick sheet foam that is popular for Radio Control models, such as Depron, is also an excellent material for this model.

A model built from this plan package has a wing span of 38 3/4 inches with an overall length of 28 inches. The total flying surface area is 825 square inches. The total flying weight will depend on the materials used, the selected motor, and battery pack.. The total flying weight should be in the range of 15 ounces.

To make sure the plan package can be printed on all generally available printers it has been set up to print on 8 1/2 by 14 inch sheets of paper (U.S. Legal Size). The plan package includes an illustrated assembly guide, and full size part templates. It is important to note that you should have any print scaling (print to fit printer margins for example) turned off when printing the content of the provided Adobe PDF file. Click here to download (1.11 mb)


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All drawing not identified as coming from another source copyright 2002-2016, Paul Bradley, All rights reserved

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