CAD Drawn Version of Pres Bruning's DeHavilland Otter
A 21 1/2" Span Free Flight Scale Model
This is a Free Flight scale model designed by Detroit Cloudbuster and FAC member Pres Bruning. His hand drawn original drawing was prepared in November 1974. The original drawing has been redrawn using CAD tools. The original size and structure has been retained. The CAD drawing was prepared to make it easier to use the T-Shirt iron on transfer process for transferring the parts to balsa sheets. It also allowed me to create ink jet printed tissue for the model. The ink jet printed tissue uses the markings called out on the original plan. The model is a very good flying rubber powered scale model airplane.
The CAD plan was drawn to fit on a 11" x 17" sheets of paper as shown above and below. In addition to the build plan, some assembly illustrations were added to help show how the structure goes together. To be sure the plan can be printed on all printers, it has been broken into multiple sheets of 8.5"x14" (U.S. Legal size). The five plan sheets are created by taping the smaller sheets together. Alignment marks are provided.
The plan package has been saved as a Adobe Portable Document File (PDF). Be sure to set the software to not scale the drawing to fit the page. This will insure that the individual pages will print at their intended size. If you do not have the Adobe Reader software, it can be obtained at no cost from the Adobe website at .
If you decide to build this model, I sure hope you enjoy yours as much as I have mine. Plan package (1.54 mb). Parts laid out to print on 8.5x11" sheets of iron on transfer paper (85.6 kb) or A4 sheets (87.4 kb). Layouts for the ink jet printed tissue sheets will only fit on 11x17" sheets due to the length of the fuselage. The layouts are presented here for your reference and if your printer can accommodate the larger sheet size (34.6 kb).
Copyright 1992-2016, Paul Bradley, All rights reserved